Are all puppies born with worms? (Can they spread?)

It is a sad sight when a dog you love dearly is infected with worms, which is more so when you know he is also affected by it.

And while we do all we can to free these dear creatures of ours from these worms, a question often pops into our mind. Are all puppies born with worms?

It sure has in yours, for you wouldn’t be reading this article otherwise, so read on, as we are here to answer your question and tell you about pups and worms.

Are All Puppies Born With Worms?

Are all puppies born with worms? A small, furry cocker spaniel puppy stands on all fours in a lush green field. Its light brown coat blends in with the grass, and its eyes are bright and curious as it gazes off into the distance.
Are all puppies born with worms?

Almost every puppy is born with worms, but not to worry, for these worms can be treated. 

This is because pups have an immune system that is weaker than that of dogs. The worms that they are born with are often those that are passed on from the mother during birth. 

Added to this is the fact that these playful creatures, like children, are unaware of it and will go about eating anything they find and doing what they wish. 

Signs Of Worms In Puppies

Some owners reading this would incidentally be worried about whether or not their pup is being affected too. 

So, to be on the safer side, here are some of the signs to watch out for and know whether or not a pup has worms. 

  • Decrease in appetite, followed by weight loss
  • A bloated stomach or the appearance of a pot belly
  • Vomiting and diarrhea
  • Constant coughing
  • Constant rubbing of his hindquarters
  • A fading coat

And besides all of the above, one of the most obvious signs that an owner of an infected puppy would find are worms in the feces of these puppies. 

That said, an owner coming across any of the above symptoms needs to take action at the earliest, for infection in a puppy is something to be taken very seriously. 

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How Do Newborn Puppies Get Worms? 

Are all puppies born with worms? In a white ceramic bowl, four tiny puppies snuggle together in a deep sleep. Two are chocolate brown, and two are snow-white, with their eyes tightly shut and their little paws tucked up under their bellies.

Dogs are the most vulnerable when they are young, which means they are prone to get attacked by worms. 

This can pass through the milk of the mother or anything dirty and contaminated that they have carelessly swallowed. The former is especially true in the case of roundworms (more information on this in the course of this article) which are often transmitted from the mother at birth

This can include anything from plants or dirt from the ground, which is often contaminated by larvae and worm eggs. 

It is for this reason that an owner has to be especially careful till a pup is about three weeks old. 

What Kinds Of Worms Are Puppies Born With? 

Roundworms and hookworms are two of the most common worms that most puppies are affected with, as per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The American Kennel Club (AKC) also gives us facts on other worms that are common among pups, which are tapeworms and whipworms. 

The former are thin and can grow up to a length of 11 inches, affecting the small intestines to cause a lot of anal itching and, in some instances, intestinal blockage without showing the symptoms. 

The latter affects the large intestines and can be harmful to the point of fatal to result in death. 

All this is not to scare a dog owner but rather to provide education on the seriousness of these worms and the need for being treated. 

Are Puppy Worms Contagious? 

Again, the CDC reports that puppy worms can be transmitted to humans, too, giving an owner all the more reason to be careful with his pup, especially if they have kids around, who are more prone to getting infected by the worms in this pup. 

These are called zoonotic worms, and one needs to be highly aware of them, as some of them can affect the most vital parts of a human’s body, like the skin, eyes, and even the internal organs. 

Research shows that some worms can even spread by penetrating through the skin, and some can be extremely harmful, even to the point of causing irreparable damage in certain cases. 

How To Get Rid Of Worms In Puppies? 

Are all puppies born with worms? Two adorable light brown puppies sit side by side in the grass, their tongues lolling out of their mouths. They seem content and relaxed, with their floppy ears and curious eyes taking in the world around them.

One of the best ways to rid a pup of its worms is by deworming, just as it often is in the case of humans. 

However, an owner must make sure that this is done on the advice of a veterinarian regarding the method, frequency, and kind of drugs in which the puppy needs to be treated. 

The AKC states that the frequency should range anywhere from two to four weeks, after which a dog will probably need another deworming. Nevertheless, do not do anything before sitting with a vet and consulting on these things. 

Is It Normal For Puppies To Have Worms After Deworming? 

A pup, when well dewormed, will show you no signs of worms in his body for a while, and if he does, chances are he has not taken the tablet right and has probably spat it out in the process, as it had a taste he did not like. 

In such a case, an owner needs to consult the vet again before administering the drug again so that he can perform a proper examination to know what the problem really is. 

It is for this reason that a dog needs to be dewormed on a regular basis, and yet again, on the advice of the vet (because studies show that an overdose if that is the case here, can indeed be fatal)

Because at the end of the day, dogs are dogs and will go out and do the very things they should not do and eat the things they should not eat and carelessly get themselves affected again. 

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How Long After Deworming Will My Dog Feel Better?

Six hours is the maximum time it takes before a pup is going to show the results, finally dewormed and healthy. However, a lot of pups show rapid results, some of them even as soon as a couple of hours. 

A good sign is when an owner finds worms in the stools. So, don’t be worried when this happens, for it only means that the dog is passing out these harmful and unwanted worms and is on his way to becoming healthy. 

This is the reason a pup who has recently received a deworming will have signs of diarrhea, followed by lethargy. If this happens, smiling is only the effective result of the pup’s deworming. 

This is a process that can go on for a week, but no worries, for it is a sign that the dog is healing. 

Final Thoughts!

So, are all puppies born with worms? You came to us to know this, and now we hope you know and take the required steps to deal with all that you know. 

A pup is as vulnerable as a newborn baby and must always be cared for and watched. 

Taking a pup to a park or a playground is not the same as taking a dog because here, one has to be extra careful and watchful of all the little one does. 

We know that’s a little bit more effort on your part, but don’t worry, for the puppy won’t be young for long. 

FAQs on Are all puppies born with worms?

Q1. Can a puppy die from worms?

Ans: Yes, puppies can die from worms, especially if left untreated. Worms can cause anemia, malnutrition, and even blockages in the intestines. Regular deworming and veterinary checkups can help prevent worm-related health issues.

Q2. How do I know if my newborn puppy has worms?

Ans: As seen above, a newborn puppy will show its owner some visible signs of worms. Some signs include a distended belly, poor appetite, and diarrhea. Keeping a watchful eye on your pup’s behavior and health can help catch any potential worm issues early on. Consult with your vet if you suspect your pup may have worms.

Q3. Can I touch my puppy if he has worms?

Ans: It’s best to avoid direct contact with a puppy if they have worms, especially if you have children. Consider wearing gloves when handling your pup, and always wash your hands thoroughly after contact. This can help prevent the spread of any potential parasites to you or your family.

Q4. What are the symptoms of worms in humans from dogs?

Ans: To put it in plain and clear terms, the symptoms of worms in humans are, in a way, almost the same as those one would find in dogs, like diarrhea and weight loss. Additionally, humans can also speak, so one common symptom that most will complain of is abdominal pain. Finally, humans affected may also complain of weakness, mainly due to anemia.

Q5. Can dogs spread worms to other dogs?

Ans: Yes, dogs can spread worms to other dogs through fecal contamination or direct contact. It’s important to keep infected dogs away from other dogs to prevent the spread of parasites. Take precautions like regular deworming and maintaining proper hygiene to ensure the health and safety of all dogs.


Hey there, pet lovers! I'm Daniel, a lifelong animal lover, and pet care expert. My passion for animals began at a young age and has only grown stronger over the years. Through my blog, I hope to share my knowledge and expertise with other pet owners and provide valuable information on pets.