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  • Post last modified:August 21, 2023
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Why Are My Dogs Balls Black – Sign of Health Trouble? (7 Main Reasons)

Dogs are known for their goofy personality, wagging tails, and love for playing fetch. But what about their odd black balls? Most people have never seen this before and often wonder why are my dogs balls black.

Is it some kind of genetic defect? Or is there a more scientific explanation behind it? Let’s take a closer look at this mystery and find out what’s really going on.

Here are seven possible reasons why your dog’s balls might be black and what you can do about it. Keep reading to learn more!

Why Are My Dogs Balls Black?

Why are my dogs balls black? Short-coated White Dog on Green Field.

When it comes to dog health, there are many myths surrounding the color of a dog’s balls. Many people say that if your dog’s balls have changed color, this indicates an underlying health problem. 

However, dog’s balls can change color for several reasons, and in most cases, it’s nothing to worry about, but sometimes it may be a concern.

So what does this mean for your pet? Below are some common reasons.

1. Genetics

Some breeds of dogs, such as Black Hounds, Pitbulls, Doberman Pinschers, Great Danes, and Rottweilers, are likelier to have black testicles. This is simply due to genetics.

Your pup may have inherited this trait from his parents or grandparents. In other words, he may have been born with a gene that causes his testicles to turn black.

It’s not uncommon for dog owners to notice their dog’s testicles changing color during puberty, but they may not realize that those changes aren’t just temporary; they can be permanent. 

2. Age

An old brown dog sits on the ground

As dogs get older, their testicles can naturally darken in color. This is due to the increased production of melanin, which is the pigment that gives skin its color.

This happens in people, too. If you’ve ever seen an older person with a lot of melanin in their skin, you know how much darker they look than they used to be when they were younger!

Must Read: Can Dogs Get Blue Balls?

3. Infection

Not the above two reasons? Still wondering why are my dogs balls black. Probably, they have been infected by something then.

A dog’s balls can turn black due to several types of infections, including:

  • Fungal infections
  • Viral infections
  • Bacterial infections

When a dog’s color suddenly changes to black, it’s because something has gotten into its skin or blood. This can happen if your dog gets into something it shouldn’t have touched in your yard or at the vet’s office.

It could also be a reaction to an allergy or irritation caused by fleas or ticks, which other dogs or cats around your yard may carry. Other symptoms, such as testicular swelling, redness, and pain, usually accompany this.

The best way to find out what caused this color change is to take your dog to a vet who can examine him and test for parasites (you can also ask about other possible causes, such as allergies).

4. Injury

Under a table, a white and brown dog lies facing the front.

If your dog is licking their genitals excessively, this may be a sign of an injury. In fact, it’s normal for dogs to lick their balls to clean them, but if you notice your dog doing so more than usual, it could be a sign of an underlying issue.

The most common cause of blackened dog balls is inflammation in the area surrounding the testicles. Dogs tend to lick this area when it becomes inflamed or sore, resulting in blackened skin over time.

They will typically experience these changes during puberty or after an injury, such as a fight or accident involving another animal (such as another dog).

5. Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation may cause black testicles in young dogs. Skin patches that have hyperpigmentation appear darker than their surrounding tissues. Most commonly, it occurs on the face, neck, and chest.

However, it can occur anywhere on the body. Hyperpigmentation can also affect a dog’s scrotums and testes, resulting in blackened testicles.

Generally, this occurs when the skin produces too much melanin, the pigment that gives skin its color—which results in areas of discoloration.

This condition can be caused by genetics, sun exposure, aging (or getting older), hormonal changes, inflammation, or injury to the skin at the site where hyperpigmentation occurs.

6. Trauma

The most common cause of trauma that results in blackened testicles is an injury to the scrotum.

The scrotum contains two testicles, which are suspended by a delicate tissue system called the spermatic cord. If the spermatic cord is damaged, blood flow to the testicles can be compromised, accumulating blood and tissue debris in the area.

In addition to trauma, some dogs may develop testicular torsion, where one or both testicles become twisted inside the scrotum. This can also lead to a build-up of blood and debris as well as inflammation, resulting in a discoloration of this area.

7. Markings or fur caused by muddy paws

Muddy dogs playing together

Sometimes dogs’ black-colored balls are caused by muddy paws. When dog walks through mud or dirt, their paw pads become wet, which may turn their hair on them black.

So, don’t worry, in this case, just give him a nice bath!

Note: If you notice any unusual changes in the color, shape, or size of your dog’s testicles or if your dog is experiencing any pain or discomfort in the area, consult a veterinarian right away.

Symptoms of a Problem

We understand that you’re concerned about your dog’s black balls. If you haven’t already, we recommend you take your pup to the vet for a checkup. However, here are some signs that something may be wrong:

  • Your dog seems lethargic and has lost interest in food or playtime.
  • Your dog shows signs of pain or discomfort when urinating or defecating.
  • Your dog has suddenly started showing signs of aggression or if they have started acting differently than they normally do, this could be a sign of an underlying health condition. 
  • Your dog has difficulty swallowing or breathing or is experiencing pain in their joints or muscles.

If your dog is displaying any of these symptoms, you must seek treatment as soon as possible so that the problem can be treated before it worsens.

Is It Normal for Dogs Balls to Be Black?

An adorable small white pup

In other words, are dogs testicles supposed to be black? Yes, it is generally normal for a dog’s testicles or scrotum to have a darker coloration.

This is because the scrotum, which is the sac that holds the testicles, is often dark in color. The color of the scrotal sac can vary, with possible colors including black, brown, or tan.

Also, some breeds of dogs, such as bulldogs and pugs, have wrinkles and folds in their scrotal area, which can trap dirt and debris and can appear dark in color.

So, it’s essential to keep your dog’s scrotal area clean to ensure that there are no issues such as infection or inflammation.

Do Neutered Dogs Balls Turn Black?

The neutering process involves removing a male dog’s reproductive organs in order to reduce the risk of him reproducing or spreading diseases like prostate cancer. The surgical procedure is called castration, which involves cutting away the testicles and parts of the penis.

This can result in bruised testicles, which may appear darker than normal due to blood flow being restricted to the area for a period of time after surgery.

Because of this surgery, some dogs will experience changes in the color of that area afterward. Typically, they become darker than they were before the surgery or even black in color.

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Why Are My Dogs Balls Turning Purple?

Close up shot of a dog lying on bed.

Most commonly, a dog’s ball’s color turning purple is caused by an infection or injury. It could also be a symptom of testicular torsion or testicular cancer.

The first thing you’ll want to do if you see this change in color is take your dog to the vet for an examination and treatment plan. The vet will examine both testicles and determine whether or not there has been any trauma or infection that may have caused the coloring change.

If your dog has an infection or injury, they will likely prescribe him an antibiotic or pain medication, as well as possible surgery if necessary.

Why Are My Dogs Balls Red or Pink?

Inflammation! The testicles are located inside the scrotum, which is covered by a thin, loose skin that protects them from bumps and injuries.

The scrotum can become inflamed when it gets scratched or bitten by another animal. This can lead to small, red bumps on the skin covering the scrotum.

If you notice any swelling or redness around your dog’s testicles (or anywhere else), make sure you get him checked out by a vet right away so that he can get proper treatment for whatever is going on!

Why Are My Dogs Balls Black and Peeling?

It’s always a good idea to consult with your veterinarian if you notice any changes in the appearance of your dog’s skin, and it can be especially important if you notice that their balls are peeling.

Having said that, here are some potential issues that could cause this symptom:

1. Skin infections: These can be caused by mites or fleas, or they may be fungal or bacterial infections. In this case, you will likely notice other symptoms as well, such as redness, itching, or irritation.

2. Dry skin: This is a common condition that can affect any part of your dog’s body, including his balls. Dry skin can cause itching, flaking, and peeling of the skin. It can be caused by weather, diet, allergies, or other factors. You can help your dog by feeding him food rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and applying coconut oil on his scrotum to lock in moisture.

3. Allergies: If your dog has an allergy to something like pollen or dust mites, then their balls will probably start peeling after being exposed to those allergens for long enough time periods, but again, there might be other signs of allergy-related problems present alongside this symptom too! Your dog should be tested in this situation.

4. Trauma: This is another possible cause of black and peeling balls in dogs. It can happen if your dog gets injured in the groin area by another animal, a sharp object, or a blunt force. It can cause bruising, bleeding, and tissue damage to the scrotum and testicles. It can also lead to infection if not treated properly.

Why Do Dogs Lick Their Balls?

Dogs lick their private parts for lots of reasons, some of which are as follows:

  • Hygiene: Dogs lick their balls as a self-grooming method to clean the area of any dirt or irritants.
  • Comfort: This self-grooming technique helps them feel comfortable.
  • Infection Prevention: Regular cleaning acts as a defense mechanism against infections.
  • Boredom or Stress: Some dogs may lick their genitals when they are bored or experiencing stress.
  • Display Behavior: In some instances, dogs may lick their genitals as part of a Kennel Club display.
  • Checking for Injuries: Dogs lick their balls to look for wounds or injuries and promote healing with their saliva.
  • Detecting Illnesses: Dogs can detect illnesses through their sense of smell, which may lead to licking their genitals to assess their health condition.

If you’re concerned about your dog licking their privates excessively or if your dog is showing any other signs that it might be licking its privates inappropriately, consult with your veterinarian.

How Do You Clean Dirt off Your Dog’s Balls?

Cleaning your dog’s balls is a regular chore that you’ll have to do if you want to keep your pooch healthy and happy. No one likes having to do it, but it’s important that you do it right. And luckily, we’ve got some tips for how to keep those boys clean!

Here’s a step-by-step guide to cleaning your dog’s balls:

1. Start by putting on a pair of rubber gloves. By doing this, you will protect your hands from bacteria and other unpleasant things.

2. Gently lift your dog’s testicles and hold them away from its body.

3. Using a warm, wet cloth, wipe each of the testicles and the area around them gently.

4. If your dog has any dirt or debris stuck to its fur, you can use a wet comb to gently remove it.

5. After rinsing the area with water, pat it dry softly with a clean towel.

6. Give your dog a treat and lots of praise for being a good sport!

Frequently Asked Questions on Why Are My Dogs Balls Black?

Q1. Why Are My Dogs Balls Black and Swollen?

Ans: Some possible causes of black and swollen balls in dogs are epididymitis, orchitis, hydrocele, and testicular torsion. If you notice any of these symptoms in your dog, you should take him to the vet as soon as possible. Do not try to treat him at home or wait for the condition to improve on its own. Some of these conditions can lead to serious complications.

Q2. Can Dogs Get Blue Balls?

Ans: The short answer is no, dogs cannot get blue balls. Blue balls, or epididymal hypertension, is a condition that occurs in humans when the testicles are filled with blood due to prolonged sexual arousal without orgasm. This can cause pain and discomfort in the testicles. Dogs do not have the same physiological response to sexual arousal as humans.

Q3. Why Does My Dog Have Black Spots on His Balls?

Ans: Black spots are probably nothing to worry about, but they’re still worth checking out. Dogs might have black spots on their balls for a couple of reasons. The most common reason for this is that he’s been in the sun too long. The black spots on your dog’s balls are likely just normal pigmentation that comes from the melanin in his skin. This kind of pigmentation can happen anywhere on a dog’s body, including its testicles.

Final Thoughts

We hope that you enjoyed the article on why are my dogs balls black. So there you have the answer to (why do my dogs balls change color), as we can see, the testicles of dogs can sometimes be black; this can be due to many reasons.

Also, sometimes your dog might have a medical issue that can cause their testes to be black. It’s always a good idea to take your dog to the veterinarian if you notice any issues.

If you learned anything new about dogs today, please share it with those you care about!


Hey there, pet lovers! I'm Pratik, a lifelong animal lover, and pet care expert. My passion for animals began at a young age and has only grown stronger over the years. Through my blog, I hope to share my knowledge and expertise with other pet owners and provide them with valuable information on pets.