Are all puppies born with blue eyes? Are they permanent?

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  • Post last modified:August 21, 2023

When we look at a puppy, one of the first things that mesmerize most of us, well, at least most of us dog lovers, is its eyes, for most puppies come with those deep blue eyes in which most of us get lost in, doting on them, even if they peed and spoiled the new couch. 

That brings us to the question: are all puppies born with blue eyes? If you are one of the many dog lovers with this question on your mind, read on to get all your doubts cleared today. 

Are all puppies born with blue eyes? 

Are all puppies born with blue eyes? 
A litter of adorable puppies with a mix of white and brown fur, and black and white fur, all with stunning blue eyes. They are cuddled up together, showing their strong bond as a family.

Yes, the truth is all puppies are born with blue eyes. Although this blue can vary in shade, some puppies have paler blue eyes, while others have dark blue eyes. However, the color may change as they grow. A puppy’s eyes remain blue during the first 8 to 14 days of its life since they are closed at birth. In this stage, the iris and pupil appear the same, with no visible difference.

Still, there are some rare cases. Some puppies are born with green eyes. And then we also have dogs that are born with eyes of two different colors. 

Some just have bluish eyes that come with flecks of green, gray, or brown in them. Yet, there is no way in which one can say whether this blue color will stay in them.

Why do puppies have blue eyes?

Puppies are born with blue eyes because their iris and retina are still developing. Their iris appears blue because the retina is sensitive to light and has not yet established its permanent color. As the puppy grows and develops, the color of its eyes will change and can be blue, green, hazel, or brown.

However, that said, here are a few other reasons why a puppy can have blue eyes. 

  • DNA – This plays a very strong role in influencing and determining the color of a dog’s eye
  • Pigment – Some puppies have blue eyes as a result of a certain pigment in them, and this can, in certain cases, even cause a side effect. 
  • Albinism – Albinism is a condition in which a dog lacks the presence of melanin in his body, and this can, in turn, affect the color of his eyes, creating a bluish shade in them. 
  • Health Conditions – This is more among adult dogs than puppies, where injuries or diseases that come with old age, like cataracts, can go on to affect the color of their eyes, which will be mentioned in more detail later on in the article. 

How long do puppies have blue eyes?

Are all puppies born with blue eyes? 
A close-up of a beautiful Siberian Husky being held by its proud owner in the snow, with a blurry background of more snow-covered trees and bushes.

Puppies usually have blue eyes for a period of over 16 weeks, which could make a total of around four months, after which the owner will soon find the eyes of the dog beginning to change color, coming to the color that it is originally meant to be. However, this does not make the dog any less cute.

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Will my puppy’s eyes stay blue?

As seen above, a puppy’s eyes will most probably not stay blue. The puppy’s eyes would, in most cases, change to dark brown, which is the case with most of the puppies born with eyes that are blue. Exceptions do occur, however, with some breeds of dogs continuing to have their eyes staying blue. 

Can puppies eyes change from brown to blue?

A close-up photo of a cute brown dog with its tongue out and light brown eyes shining bright.

No, a puppy’s eyes may not change from brown to blue, but a dog’s eye can in time. But as seen above, this is not really a welcome change as it gives an important indicator that the dog is having problems with his health. 

That said, the following are some of the reasons for this change in color. 

  • Corneal Edema – This is a condition where there is excessive water that is collected in the cornea of a dog’s eye, giving it a bluish appearance in turn. 
  • Corneal Dystrophy- Corneal dystrophy is a condition where the layer of cells pumping fluids into the cornea is damaged, affecting the eyesight of a dog greatly and giving it a blue tinge in turn. 
  • Glaucoma – Here, the pressure in the eye is increased, and if not checked, it could lead to the corneal edema seen above.
  • Lens Luxation – Sometimes, the blue eyes of a dog could be the result of the lens getting dislocated, which is another problem that is to be checked. 

So, if a dog owner finds his dog’s eyes changing color in the later stage, consult a veterinarian immediately.

How rare is a dog with blue eyes?

Dogs with blue eyes are not rare, but they are fewer in number when compared with dogs with brown eyes. Based on the findings of the Wisdom Panel, only about 5% of dogs have the blue eye variant in their genetic makeup.

So, an owner who is especially looking for a dog with blue eyes has various options to choose from, with a number of breeds coming with different shades of blue eyes.

Can a puppy have blue eyes if the parents don’t?

Yes, a puppy can have blue eyes even without having a parent born with blue eyes. This is because the recessive gene that is responsible for the occurrence of blue eyes plays a role in showing up in the next generation and giving the young puppy a pair of blue eyes.

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What are breeds more likely to have blue eyes?

Are all puppies born with blue eyes? 
A close-up photo of a cute dog with piercing blue eyes and floppy ears, looking directly at the camera with a friendly expression.

Blue eyes in dogs are considered a rare and striking feature, with only a small percentage of dog breeds possessing the gene for blue eyes. Some breeds, however, are more likely to have blue eyes than others.

One of the most common breeds of dogs that come with blue eyes is the famous Siberian husky. And then there is the Border Collie, pitbull, dachshund, great dane, weimaraner, dalmatian, and corgi

A few other breeds of dogs with blue eyes are the Australian Shepherd, American Shepherd, and Alaskan Klee Kai.

One favorite of most is the labrador retriever. So, as an owner looking for a friendly dog with beautiful blue eyes, this is most likely the breed that he can opt for. 

Conclusion: Are all puppies born with blue eyes? 

So, are all puppies born with blue eyes? Well, you got your answer now. Do all puppies get to keep their blue eyes? You got your answer to that too.

So, if all you are looking for is a puppy with blue eyes, you now know what to do.

On the other hand, we also know that the rest of the dogs in the world aren’t any less cute. And if a dog changes its eye color at a later stage in life, here, too, you know what it is that you have to do. 


Hey there, pet lovers! I'm Daniel, a lifelong animal lover, and pet care expert. My passion for animals began at a young age and has only grown stronger over the years. Through my blog, I hope to share my knowledge and expertise with other pet owners and provide valuable information on pets.