Cat fights are no rare sight, and for someone new, it can be scary. So, if you are one of them right now, you are probably standing there and thinking, “Can cats kill each other?”
You probably saw something that upset you a while ago at the bus stop or the footpath on your way to work.
And so now, here you are, trying to find some answers, which this article is going to give to you. Read on to know what you want to know.
Can Cats Kill Each Other?

Rarely, and not if they are your cats. You see, when two cats stay together and share the same owner, they are friends. If you see them fight, they are only playing with each other, and you have no cause for worry.
Perhaps you just have to keep a little eye on them now and then to make sure that things are okay.
Yet, in some cases, when cats fight, they use their teeth, claws, and physical strength to defend themselves and attack their opponents. They can inflict deep wounds, cause internal injuries, or transmit infections through bites or scratches.
Most fights between cats result in minor injuries or resolve without causing significant harm.
Why Do My Cats Try To Kill Each Other?
Curiosity doesn’t always kill the cat, at least not in this case. Trying to find out the reason the cats are fighting and finding a way to intervene can indeed be a good thing.
That said, here are the reasons cats may try to kill each other. Read on to know and understand each of them.
1. Introduction of a New Cat
Cats can get insecure too, and this is not a struggle that only exists with us human beings.
So probably, you have two cats fighting before you right now because the older one is upset about the new cat that you recently bought.
She thinks that the new chap is going to steal her share of love from you.
2. Territorial Disputes
And then, cats have their space issues, where the problem can arise when someone tries to intrude.
Now, this intruder could be the new cat that you brought home, who needs to be taught where to go and where not to go, at least for the time being, because your older cat is now going to go through little more territorial disputes.
3. Lack of Experience in Socializing with Other Cats

Cats that haven’t been in the company of other cats can get aggressive, just as in the case of an antisocial human being lacking the right amount of love and companionship.
The difference here is that the antisocial cat can get physically aggressive, but the good news is that it probably can be treated, and in time, the new cat can be taught to enjoy the friendship of other cats and become less aggressive.
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4. Age and Gender
Some cats can get aggressive with age, and it is this aggressiveness that can result in catfights.
And then, of course, there is the breed and the gender that you need to consider. You see, some cats are generally more aggressive than the rest, like the Siamese cat, Sphinx, and the Scottish Fold.
And coming to gender, male cats are more aggressive than their female counterparts, which means your male cat is more likely to attack the female. And if you have two males, chances are you may have a hard time keeping them from fighting.
5. Hormonal Changes
Humans are not the only beings that go through hormonal changes. Cats face them too, and with that, they go through a lot of mood swings that could make them aggressive, sometimes aggressive enough to kill each other.
While this is more common among female cats, male cats can get aggressive upon being castrated or neutered.
6. Pre-Existing Health Conditions
When a cat is in pain, it will surely get more aggressive. She may try to attack anyone coming to touch the area that gives her pain.
Now, while a human being may know how to deal with it, the challenge is when she is in contact with other cats.
Will Cats Fight To The Death?

Sometimes. The sad truth here is that cats are capable of killing each other and, at times, are capable of fighting to their death.
This makes it very important for an owner to stay vigilant and not go by the idea that the cats will sort the issue by themselves.
You see, human siblings can be left to fight it out by themselves. Cats cannot, and chances are, if left this way, it could result in death.
Do Cats Hurt Each Other When They Fight?
Yes. Cats can’t verbally abuse each other, and so attack by way of physical fights. And this can sometimes be so bad that it can lead to infections and injuries, at times to the extent that the affected cat is no longer able to hunt.
Now this is a serious case because cats rely on hunting for survival and living.
So, if you see any such cat like this, rush to take him to the vet.
How Do You Know If Your Cats Are Fighting?

Cats fighting and cats playing can look and feel similar unless you can read through all the tell-tale signs.
Then you are in a better position to detect when something is not right. That said, to make you more vigilant the next time, these are some of the tell-tale signs.
- Excessive biting, scratching, and fur pulling:
Cats bite each other when at play, but they can bite each other when they are angry too.
In addition to that, she is going to display her claws, a dangerous sign, which indicates that there is going to be much scratching and it’s time you think of something to do.
If their fur and tails are going to be upright, even worse, for you are soon going to see some fur pulling too.
- Aggressive body language:
You see, when a cat is stressed, she is going to flatten her ears, arch her back and give you all the physical signs to tell you there is soon going to be a fight.
So, these are some of the physical signs of which you, as an owner, need to be aware.
- Hissing, growling, or howling:
These are never good signs to be seen in a cat, or a snake, or any living being, and humans too.
A noisy cat is an angry cat, just like the cats in your neighborhood that are often angry and make sounds like these.
All these above signs show that your cat is no longer playing but upset, very upset, so much that she is ready for a physical fight.
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What To Do If Cats Are Fighting?

First of all, don’t separate them like you would a human being. Remember that you are now dealing with cats with claws, and two very angry ones at that.
So, make a note of this unless you are okay with seeing a few scratches on your hands.
You will be wise, won’t you? If yes, read on to know what else there is to do and how to stop a cat from fighting so you can do what it takes.
1. Monitor Their Behavior
Cats, in a way, are like babies that never grow, and as an owner, you are always going to have to monitor their behavior.
Keep a check on the kind of body language she shows and the sounds she makes, and make an effort to understand their gestures and behaviors.
While this does not demand an entire course in cat psychology, the internet has a wealth of information to give you all the education you need.
In this way, you can detect and keep in check any kind of aggressive behavior.
2. Separate Them Immediately If Necessary
If they are your cats, place them in two different rooms immediately till they calm down and are ready to live peacefully.
Now this may take a day or two and is going to require some patience from you. For a while, they are going to raise themselves to the door as they hiss and meow, but this will end in a day or two.
Make sure that you keep an eye on them during this time, just to see if they are okay. Throw in a few toys and treats that they like to get them distracted.
Once done, you can try reintroducing them again. Chances are they will unite and be friends again, and if they don’t, a little more time is what it takes.
3. Practice Safe Cat Introduction Techniques
Introducing one cat to another is indeed hard. For all you know, there is going to be a downright catfight, with the stronger one hissing and the weaker one hiding.
So, rule number one in this is don’t rush things. Unlike humans, they are not going to shake hands and greet each other with a hug. But take it slow, and in time you will see the relationship progressing.
With cats, first bad impressions can last for quite a while, so let the introduction be smooth and not quick.
Give them time to settle and feel safe in the presence of each other in your surroundings.
4. Use Pheromone Sprays Or Diffusers
Pheromones are a kind of natural cat odor that can often be used to decrease aggression. This is an odor that is released when a cat rubs her face against an object, like your furniture or even their owner, which is you, for that matter.
What happens in the process is that the cat releases some chemical signals that make her feel safe. Pheromone sprays are sprays that mimic these odors and make a cat feel safe.
Diffusers are another way to comfort an anxious cat. These are calming collars that provide a kind of chemical message that helps a cat calm down and thus decrease the occurrence of aggression.
5. Consult With A Veterinarian Or Animal Behaviorist
Who better know the history of your cat’s issues and find the cause for her behavior?
So, when you have a pet, don’t think that you need to do it all alone when you have a vet who is an expert at everything from her health to changes in her behavior.
This can help you manage your cat better and check the occurrence of aggressive behavior.
6. Spaying and neutering
Sometimes fights can be a result of feline maternal aggression, where the best solution would be to get one cat spayed or neutered.
This is because having an unneutered male cat around an intact female cat is only going to give rise to more litter and, with that, more aggression.
So, neuter the male cat if you don’t want to see this.
Do Cats Kill Other Cats Kittens?

Now this may sound quite gory, and while the incident is indeed rare, it still can occur.
This is usually common among kittens that are not their own and is mainly a form of territorial or survival behavior.
However, this is not always the case, and some cats are sweet enough to raise any kitten that they come across, from in or outside their litter.
It’s up to you to know your cat and deal with what you see in her behavior.
Can Kittens Kill Each Other?
Kittens are too small to kill, but yes, they can fight each other; these fights which can, at times, be so bad that they could lead one to kill the other.
This is indeed rare, but yet another thing that needs to be checked if you have kittens around.
Make sure that you keep an eye on their behavior.
Do Male Cats Kill Female Cats?
It depends on his mood, but yes, this is possible. Sometimes it can occur as a kind of male domination.
There are other times when a male cat would want a female feline to go into heat. In those times, he will not come forward to kill her, though he may do it sometime later.
The bottom line of this is that male cats can kill female cats, so if you have a male and a female at home, it’s up to you to check this behavior.
Frequently Asked Questions
Okay, now for the few questions still lingering on your mind, some of which would probably have been answered above, and some new ones, just to tell you all you want so that you don’t stay up worrying all night.
Q1. Will A Wild Cat Kill A Domestic Cat?
Ans: Read that question again. Of course, a wild cat that is more aggressive and has more experience with its paws and claws can finish off a domestic cat that is more used to affection and love instead of fights and attacks. Careful about your domestic cat.
Q2. How Bad Can Cat Fights Get?
Ans: It can get very bad, so bad that it can result in death. In other words, catfights do not merely result in a few scratches and injuries but can make your worst fears come true. So, keep an eye on the catfights that happen in your house from today.
Q3. How Do Cats End A Fight?
Ans: The experience can be upsetting and traumatizing for both sides, and often the fights won’t end without someone intervening from another side. That person better be you, but be slow in separating, lest you want a share in the scratches and bites.
Q4. Should I Stop My Cats From Fighting?
Ans: Yes, but as said above, go slow. You cannot pull away two cats in a heated fight. Try to distract them, as this is one of the best ways to stop them from a fight. You can try giving food and water, toys and treats. It works every time.
Q5. Do Cats Hurt Each Other When They Play Fight?
Ans: Yes, but most of the time, it is not intentional, as in the case of a serious catfight. But since they are cats and there is only so much they can do to be careful, they may still hurt and injure each other during the play fight.
Q6. How Does A Cat Kill Another Cat?
Ans: By physical fights, of course? Do you expect them to approach each other with guns and missiles? Well, let’s not hope for a day like that when cats can get so developed. Humans and weapons are bad enough. Let cats use their claws and teeth, for in that case; it is easier for an owner to stop them from a fight.
Closing Thoughts: Can Cats Kill Each Other?
So, now you are in a better position to gauge the situation the next time you see two cats fight, and you know better what to do.
And if you don’t, a few trials are all you need, and it’s only going to be a matter of time before you become a pro at stopping your cats from every fight.
So, take it positively, for the more fights, the more practice you have in training your cats not to fight.